Web Games and Interactive Tools

Web Turtles

LOGO-esque programmable turtles on the web. The player sends instruction-sets to one or more turtles to reach their goals. Instruction-sets can also be fetched from documents stored on a server.

Status: Framework developed; game in progress.

Technologies: SVG paths; RaphaelJS; jQuery; HTML + CSS; Ajax. No server-side component (just static files)

Code: https://github.com/ejucovy/webturtles

Demo: http://ejucovy.github.com/webturtles/

Realtime Board Games

Prototype framework for realtime multiplayer 2D board games through the web. The players' latest actions are sent to each other in real time using Comet techniques. The framework's front- and backend protocols allow multiple types of games to be developed: for example, users can choose to play either a tactical RPG or checkers.

Status: Prototype

Technologies: Comet (hookbox); jQuery; HTML5 data-*; Django; HTML + CSS; Ajax

Code: https://github.com/ejucovy/trpg

Demo: http://trpg.socialplanning.org

Data Exploration Graphing Tool

An interactive graphing tool that lets users explore datasets and test their hypotheses about relationships among data. The user picks datasets to graph, and chooses which datasets to plot on the same scale. Users can overlay multiple graphs, and choose to display a time-based line graph or a scatterplot. The tool was developed for an educational simulation game but can be integrated into other applications, or used on its own.

Status: In production; reusable framework.

Technologies: RaphaelJS; g.raphael; SVG; jQuery; HTML + CSS; Ajax. Server-agnostic.

Code: https://github.com/ejucovy/graphtool

Demo: http://ejucovy.github.com/graphtool/sample.html/